
General Information

Joyfull House has a talent development program which is much more advanced than classical kindergarten concept. In paying attention to the developmental needs of our children, we utilize the most suitable educational principles for 1.5-3 year-old play group and for 3-6 year-old rotation group (National Education, Active Learning, Gems, Scamper, Reggio Emilia).

In all our programs we aim our children to be explorative, questioning, self-confident, creative, aware of their talents, optimistic, and loving individuals.



It is necessary to plan and implement the right educational programs during 1.5-3 years period, which are the first years of gaining the basic habits .Children feel themselves happier in a social group because they gain the necessary experience by active involvement within a group together with their peers.


* By observing their environment, they gain role models, get positively influenced, learn quicker and easier.

* They enjoy playing and eating with their friends.

* Well planned and organized learning enables them to acquire appropriate behaviors.

* They receive toilet training by observing and having fun.

* They learn to share and to cooperate.

* At this period children push limits to achieve whatever they want. In a group, they notice “we” instead of “I”.  

* They become aware that they are growing up. At this period when development is at its fastest, they demonstrate a much more improved progress regarding social, emotional, mental and language development, and taking care of personal care needs when compared to peers who do not attend a school.



Our educational programs are implemented via a rotation system. Our academically trained classroom teachers and expert branch teachers offer the following activities in our appropriately equipped classrooms:


 We have observatory and investigative field trips every two weeks.

Every first Monday of each month we hold a themed party. Mondays  are toy-bringing-day,Wednesdays are puzzle-bringing day, and Fridays are book-bringing-day. 


There is a full time security staff at school.

The child can only be picked up by the authorized person named by a parent in the application form.

It is forbidden to  observe the child without asking for the parents’ permission.


 There is a full time nurse at school.

Each family shall have health forms from their own physician.

In case of contagious diseases parents are required to notify the director and the child should be kept at home.

If case of the student taking medication, the written authorization is needed.

Parents are informed as soon as possible in case of an accident and if it is urgent , the child will be taken to the nearest hospital.

Children should be kept at home if there is a sign of fever, coughing and achy muscles.


 The floor of our building is covered with hygienic materials.

Visitors are required to wear galosh.

Students are required to have a set of spare shoes to wear at school.

Restrooms are disinfected between each use.

The kitchen staff and the utensils are regularly controlled.

Toys and the other school objects are disinfected.


 09:30-10:00 BREAKFAST

12:00- 12:30 LUNCH (PLAY GROUP)

12:30- 13:00 LUNCH (3-6 YEARS)

15:00-15:30 SNACK TIME

 Meals are prepared daily by the school’s chef.

Meals are prepared regarding to children’s basic nutrition facts.

Students are given a dairy product everyday.

Lemonade, ayran, milk, herbal tea and fruit juice is given as a drink to our students.

Fruit is served to students everyday.

How can you follow the activities performed in school?

The announcements and the events that took place during the day are definitely written in the communication notebook or mobile app.

The teacher for each age group prepares a monthly mini program covering the activities planned. You may follow this plan,  activities, messages from the teacher on our website with the password you're given.

Parent-school cooperation is essential. Parents attend meetings  on a pre-defined schedule. Your participation in school activities and sharing your experiences will provide a different learning process for our children. Our education staff will conduct private meetings with the parents three times a year to inform you about the development of your children and their skills.

The psychologist of our school give seminars  every 45 days.

Joyfull House days and hours :

Our activities in Joyfull House continue throughout the whole year (except for the official and religious holidays or the holidays announced by the governor).

Weekdays: 08:00-19:00 (opening and closing hours)

  1. a)      Full-day 08:00-18:30 (covers breakfast+fruit time+lunch+ evening snack and of course activities on different majors.
  2. b)      Half-day 08:00-13:00 (covers breakfast+fruit time+lunch and of course activities on different majors.

For the adaptation process of the play group students we have different options such as 20 hours  package,2 half-days, 2  full-days,3 half-days , 3 full-days.

Our recommendation is Children of age 3 should attend school for 5 half or full-days and children of ages 4-6 should attend 5 full-days

Your child may attend the courses for their respective skills, such as drama, ballet or art at weekends if you wish.

If you want to experience an unforgettable birthday party with your child   we can offer you packages of alternative theme parties at weekends.

counseling service :

The ultimate aim of our counseling program is to achieve the cooperation of teachers and parents in order to observe and support holistic growth of the children, in line with their respective personalities

A full time child psychologist is consulting our children, teachers and families in our school

She makes observations on the development of each child  in class hours and gives feedback both  to teachers and parents

For every new child she helps the child to get used to school gradually and shares relevant  information with the family

She gives seminars on the topics requested by the parents, every 45 days

School bus:

Our school buses are specially designed for toddlers with appropriate safety belts

Our students travel in the school buses accompanied by the bus attendant

Our school buses are scheduled for the morning, noon and afternoon trips.

Parents must inform the school secretary for the daily changes of their service bus use.